
Fashion Dividers. Underlines and Text Separators.

Sometimes all that stands between life and death are the masks we wear.

Christian Romantic fiction

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From the back cover...

When Megan Shepherd agreed to translate papers in Britain the war was little more than a distant threat, but when her ship sinks in the middle of the Atlantic the realities of warfare become all too apparent. Plunged into German society at the height of WWII, Megan discovers that she must lie, and lie convincingly, to the very people who rescued her from drowning; one Captain Victor Von Buren and his crew.

With only her wits and a solid knowledge of the German language to guide her, Megan sets her sights on the Swiss border. But when escaped POW Sam Layton lands on her doorstep Megan is faced with yet another polarizing choice; to help him and risk being discovered or to turn him over and keep up appearances.

About Me

I’ve been writing about women rescuing their men since 2008. Currently I’m living my own happy ever after in Central Massachusetts with my husband and son, and far too many pets.

You can find more of my work at or follow along at my Blog, where I place many book reviews and thoughts on the writing process.